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Monday, July 7, 2008

Wet Wet Wet

Well so much for moving my young Pekins into their new Pekin Palace this weekend!

It's been gale force winds and torrential rain now since Friday evening. There was a terrific thunder and lightening storm Friday night, really scarey! So I've not moved them into their new home.

Although a third of the run is covered to keep it dry, because they're so young it wouldnt be fair to put them in there, they'd only get chilled and then probably die on me, and I've taken such good care of them since hatching them, I don't want to risk losing them, and they're quite happy in the big shed. They have plenty of room to exercise and toys hanging down to play with if they get bored.

Hopefully the weather will pick up this week so they can go out. Climate change has certainly cocked up our British weather! We seem to be having all 4 seasons within 4 weeks, and our summers are really weird with storms and rain when it should be warm and sunny. If the summer is much wetter my poor little Pekins will get webbed feet!

I'll take some photographs of the Pekins this week and post them on here, they are now 6weeks old and look like miniature Pekins! They are so cute.

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