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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life after chicken

Well after moving house, and having to find homes or sell all my lovely chooks, I have at last got over the shock and resigned myself to a chickenless future.

Gone are my lovely Pekins, Jubilee Orpingtons, Frizzles and Lavendar Araucanas.

Instead I have a normal garden complete with fish pond, 5 cats and my 2 dogs.

Life is easier, don't get me wrong. And I can honestly say now that I don't miss my chooks. Did I just say that???

Instead I've befriended the entire population of wild birds in the area, who come to feed in the garden. I've also had several frogs visit the pond, leaving me balls of spawn this month. I've had to put some into a water filled tub that had some reeds and oxygenating plants in, otherwise there would have been more spawn than fish.

I'm spending my extra spare time sat on my backside infront of the computer now instead of mucking out the chooks, refilling water and feed hoppers in all weathers. And life does seem a lot easier.

I still have the odd crisis now and again with the dogs and cats. One of the kittens (who is now 13yrs old I might add) had cystitis the other week and cost me £100 in vet fees. And last week my antique border collie Midge had to see the vet and after several tests was found to have a heart murmer and acute arthritis. Another £100. Plus she has to go back once a week for an injection for the next month, and is on tablets for the rest of her life.

My forum ( is getting busier and busier. I've made so many friends on there, and one or two really close ones. Pekinheaven forum is really busy too, although I don't visit it as much as I should, it runs itself and I have a good team of moderators. They seem happy enough left to their own devices, talking about their chooks and swopping birds and eggs.

Now I have to fathom out how to link this blog to my 50Plus site so the other members on there can also have their blogs linked to the site.

Catch you later!

1 comment:

gerryess said...

Love the style and flow. Encore!