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Monday, September 1, 2008

A great day for ducks!

But not for Pekins. After a lovely week of sunny weather it's tipping down now and will be until next weekend the weather men reckon. Oh joy!

Well I'm glad the lady who took the 2 Pekin boys last week took the ones she did, as one of the remaining 2 boys has turned out to be a girl!!! They all had red combs and big wattles, and thought all 4 were boys, but evidently I was wrong.

I've noticed some colours are difficult to sex by combe/wattles, and one or two I've had this year I've thought were one thing then have turned out to be the opposite.

I'm waiting on the delivery of a new Ark for my youngsters. I saw the advert on Ebay, and checked out the website of the seller and all their chicken coops seemed really strong. So I went mad and bought it. It's 6ft long and 4ft wide, with a free 5ft x 4ft run free on special offer. On the website the Ark is £290 and with the run almost £350, so I grabbed a bargain!

I've attached a couple of pics of the Ark so you can see how strong and well designed it is. A friend of mine who lives in Wales where the company who make these coops is based, said he gets a lot of things from the company and they're really well made. So thats a relief, because you never know what things are like til they arrive.

Looks like my babies will be happy in there!

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